Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi

Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi Episode 8 English SUB

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Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi

The Stories of Girls Who Couldn't Be Magicians, A Story of a Girl that was Unable to Become a Mage, Mahonare, 魔法使いになれなかった女の子の話
Rating 0.0
Kurumi Mirai is in the first year of high school. She has enrolled in junior high section of the Redrun Magic School, the world's only facility for mages that approved by International Mage League and able to work under royal families when graduates, and she was always top of the class. However, when she applies for the high school section and took the examination to get into a mage training class "Ma-gumi (Mage Class)", she wasn't able to get in in spite having full scores and was top of the class for the whole three years. There are some students in the class next to her that takes that class. Among that there's someone she admires. How will Kurumi Mirai who has extraordinary brain but didn't get in to be a mage candidate try to overcome and grow up? What is the aim for Minami Suzuki, a loyal mage who suddenly appears to be the homeroom teacher? This is a relaxing story of her growth. (Source: MAL News)

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